Today is Dana's birthday. My beautiful girl just turned 6.
It's also the 'birthday' (actually, self-government anniversary) for the Northern Territory of Australia -- the state I live in.
Sadly, going back even further than my beautiful girl has been alive, most Territorians 'celebrate' self-government by buying copious amounts of freely- (and legally-available) fireworks, and setting them off over a period of several days. Officially, fireworks are only legally allowed to be let off on July 1st, between 7pm and 11pm. However, not only do people let them off in the days leading up to July 1st, but also over the days (and increasingly weeks) after our anniversary is officially over.
Which would be fine, if:
a) it didn't scare the sh!t out of most pets, Dana included (I hate having to spend her birthday trying to comfort her as she shakes herself to bits); and,
b) there weren't w@nkers out there who think 2:48am is a suitable time to let off fireworks (like this morning, right outside my house). Or idiots who throw fire-crackers at passing cars (like at mine yesterday evening).
Or even worse.
Sadly, it's these idiots who are making it harder for the law-abiding people of the NT to celebrate. Sooner or later it will get to a stage where enough people will be
killed, maimed, or hurt, and enough people will become pissed off at the antics of the idiots, that this so-called privilege--we're the only state in the country that allows the public to do this--will be removed.
And seeing how badly it affects Dana on what should be the best day of her life, I can't wait.
Anyway, just to end on a less vitriolic note, my beautiful girl needs cuddling and comforting. Happy birthday, Dana.
P.S. Though I've had a new addition to the family (Jackie has joined Dana and I in our little family), I'll post about Jackie at a later date. If you want to see Jackie, though, have a bo-peep at my sister's blog (link is in the sidebar -- Higgledy-Piggledy).